RPM Copywriting

How We Helped A Former Clown And A Failed Accountant Generate US $40,000.00 (PHP 2,000,000.00) In One Week…

…Using An “Ugly” 38-Page Sales Letter Written In Just 4 Days!

Dear Entrepreneur,

Meet John “The Legend” Pagulayan and Allan Ngo.

These guys are arguably THE best email marketers in the country.

Their work is world-class… and offer owners pay them multiple thousands of dollars (not including the performance bonuses and royalties they also get) just to “lock in” a slot in their waiting lists…

But before they became local marketing legends, John was a former clown… and Allan was a failed accountant! (I’ll tell you in a bit why this was an important part of the letter)

Now, in a much-awaited tandem, these two brilliant minds decided to teach Filipinos an A-Z blueprint for making money writing online — both from the freelancer’s and business owner’s perspective.

So they wanted to launch their first-ever email copywriting course.

And the objective was to show people what you can do with emails…

… how easy it is to learn, implement and make a living from.

But just like most launches, they also ran into some problems…

Don’t get me wrong though. These two definitely know what they’re doing. They already have produced hundreds of thousands of dollars in results.

But after a couple of days of quick planning and implementation, they almost had everything they needed…


Because the one crucial piece missing was a kickass Sales Letter…

…which they only had less than a week to put together!

“It was a time-sensitive launch and we only had 7 days to pull this off. The biggest challenge was finding someone who could write the sales letter in just 4 days.” —John Pagulayan


And after going through 16 other copywriters who submitted their samples…


we came out on top.

“Reading the letter you submitted, I got lost in a sense that I completely forgot it was you who wrote the letter and not the product owner. Realizing this, I just knew the job was safe in your hands.” —Allan Ngo


After Four Grueling Bloody Days…
We Still Pulled It Off!

Here’s how the opening of the letter looked like:

[Notice the former clown and the failed accountant?

It was definitely a knockout “hook”—pun intended!]

And Here’s What Happened After A Few Hours…

Here are the final numbers from the first launch:

  • They had 638 people on their waitlist. The expectation was to get a total of 80 students.
  • They’ve gotten 186 enrollees within the first 36 hours of the launch.
  • The final count was at 195 students enrolled.
  • The conversion rate landed at 30.25%.
  • The launch generated $40,000 US (P2,000,000) in sales.

But that's not all...

  • The same sales letter ran a second time where they were able to enroll 200+ people from the cold…
  • And then a third launch which ran 3rd week of January where the sales letter helped sign up 360+ new students!
“Dedicated, super open to learning, aren’t prideful about the work, easy to work with, difficult hours but pulled it through.” —Allan Ngo

“It’s hard enough to write copy for clients, it’s even harder to write copy for copywriters. There’s a certain ego involved and there’ll be ideas you’ll clash with. I was expecting BS push-backs as other copywriters would do, but there weren’t any - and I loved that.” —John Pagulayan

Now, let’s get down to biz’niz…


You’re probably NOT reading this case study just for fun, right?

And after seeing those results, you might’ve felt a “trigger” going off inside of you… a distinct spark of excitement… the possibility of experiencing similar results in your business.

And you know what?

You can turn THAT possibility into your reality right now. All you have to do is steal from us…


Go ahead.

You have our permission.

>> Don't miss this!!

If you’d like to discover an elegant yet brutally-effective way of getting more sales for your courses and programs faster (way more than what you thought was possible)…