RPM Copywriting

We've Helped Entrepreneurs Generate Additional

$10,000 to $270,000 per Launch...

and today, we’re giving you complete permission to 



Dear Entrepreneur,

If you’d like to discover an elegant yet brutally-effective way of getting more sales for your courses and programs faster (way more than what you thought was possible)… 

...so you can finally have a real business designed around your lifestyle and personality (and not the other way around)… 

Then this may be the most exciting thing you’ll read today.

You’ll find out why in just a second… 

But before we dive any deeper, let me ask you a simple question:

How much has your sales grown in the past 30 days?

Was it 5%?

… 10%? 

… 20%?

Or maybe it’s in the negative?

The thought of spending so much money on increasingly expensive ads yet seeing only little (or even ZERO) growth sometimes makes even the best of us want to pull our hair out!

We know...because we’ve seen a lot of infopreneurs just like you who are in an endless marathon of trying to launch their products but haven’t actually been hitting their goal revenue.

Each time they’re faced with the daunting task of mapping out launches, figuring out the logistics, and the highly-technical stuff that only leaves them dazed and confused… 

Every “launch” is like your very own Frankenstein — plugging every piece of random strategy scraped from “tips & tricks” found through Google, hoping it works, then finally realize what you created is one more ugly monstrosity!

In the end, it turns out to be another “wine and whine” catastrophe of stress, fear, chaos, and tears… 

And every single failed “launch” only breeds more DOUBT:

“Will I ever truly make this work? Maybe this isn’t for me…”

“What will my friends say? My family?”

“Maybe I should just go back to finding a stable job. At least that pays the bills and my wife wouldn’t nag about it anymore…”

But don’t worry… it doesn’t have to be that way anymore.

Because whether you’ve experienced net positive growth but are still far from your goal numbers… 

Or if you’re still stuck in a dreadful cycle of “Frankenstein Launches” that virtually do NOTHING but give you sleepless nights…

And days where your gut feels it’s gonna turn from the inside-out…

Your dreams are still within reach. And we’ve got your back.

Because all you’ll ever need to flip the script and predictably INCREASE your sales month after month is by implementing this 3-step protocol I’m about to show you…

Here's How RPM Copywriting is Different

Our main superpower is to pre-frame your customer's mind into buying your product even before the launch.

We have the best copywriters in the industry, which means your customers will get hooked, day by day, as your launch approaches and even give you their wallet prior to the actual launch.

We are only taking clients if we know for certain that we can earn them a significant ROI from working together.

And everything we do is sculpted to bring you more revenue.

Our main goal, should we decide  to work together, is to bring you the ROI in the first 3 months or less, meaning, what you invested in this project will actually be FREE MONEY and everything after that will be PURE PROFIT!

Here's What Our Clients Say About Us

Additional USD $40,000 in one week?

It may seem impossible to some but here's how we helped John “The Legend” Pagulayan and Allan Ngo. 

These guys are arguably THE best email marketers in the country.

But before they became local marketing legends, John was a former clown… and Allan was a failed accountant! 

This is what the headline we made for them looked like:

And here's what happened after a few hours...

How about an additional USD $133,000 in 48 hours?

Lish, the founder of AmazoNationPH back then was just starting out, she had NO website and NO email subscribers

...but she still wanted to launch within 4 weeks!

The Odds Were Against Us… But We Found A Way!

We went through our “RPM Copywriting Protocol” over the next few days to write Facebook Posts that engagedenticed and entertained her Target Market!

Here’s how the engagements looked like:

And finally, we opened our doors for the first day of enrollment!

Our Call-To-Action was to read the Long-Form Sales Letter selling the $999 FBA Coaching Program:

Here's what happened next:

We only accepted 125 Students for Batch 1.

And a lot of them chose 2-month and 4-month payment plans, which were more convenient (yet more expensive) than the one-time payment option…

That’s why we were able to generate around $133,000.00 in 48 hours.

And here's how we helped The Freelance Movement “TRIBE” achieve probably one of the biggest online launches for course creators in the Philippines... while the world was turned upside down.

It was June 2020.

One of the most (if not THE most) iconic names in the Philippine Freelancing Industry, John Pagulayan, decided to open the doors to his yearly membership program (TRIBE).

John has been teaching Filipinos how to build 6-figure freelance businesses even without experience, skills, credentials, or a portfolio for a couple of years now…

He has already done successful launches in the past.

And now he wants to open his doors again for new members.

But this time, the stakes were infinitely HIGHER…

I wouldn’t have to remind you how the pandemic drastically impacted our daily lives. As of this writing, we’re still experiencing the effects.

And because of this “perfect storm”... a lot of Filipinos lost their jobs — and for most of them, it was the ONLY source of livelihood.

That’s why John wanted a better, BIGGER launch.

So he can help more Filipinos bounce back, survive, and THRIVE by teaching them the “TRIBE Way” of freelancing.

But the biggest question was… HOW?

See, John and his team already did quarterly launches.

And these launches would get anywhere from 100-200 NEW enrollees.

But these numbers weren’t enough.

So they rolled up their sleeves, brainstormed, and ultimately decided to implement an Affiliate Launch where current members can promote the TRIBE using unique links…

And these members will get commissions every time someone signs up from their links.

This meant their “organic” reach would exponentially increase by tapping into each participating affiliate’s network. And they’re also leveraging the power of “word of mouth” advertising.

Great move, really!

They knew there will be a FLOOD of new traffic and leads coming their way…

Now the only thing they need — the proverbial cherry on top — was a damn good Sales Letter that would charm, disarm, and motivate these prospects to make what could be one of the best decisions of their lives!

John needed someone who has “potent stuff”... so he doesn’t waste any of that traffic.

And that’s why he went to us.

We immediately went to work and brought out our signature move… RPM Copywriting Protocol.

We made sure it was going to MAXIMIZE conversions by using deep psychologypersuasion stacking, and neuroscience marketing.

Here’s how our letter “opened”...

The results?

A whopping 1,372 NEW members which generated a total revenue of…

Php 12,998,210.00

Now I don’t know about you…

But that is one pretty IMPRESSIVE number right there!

And most infopreneurs would *drool* over these kinds of launches…

What about YOU?

Want to find a custom-fit product launch that can finally give you the goal numbers you’ve been dying to hit?

Here's our breakthrough BLUEPRINT which gives you the right conversion “voodoo” so you can experience a launch you’ve never had before.

The RPM Copywriting Protocol

Step #1

Resonant Research

If you’re running a serious business, then you should already be doing some type of research.

And the most typical research revolves around a prospect’s age, gender, location, annual income, etc…

While I’m not saying these things are unimportant, it’s just that it doesn’t really “hit home”.

It doesn’t speak to the conversation that your Ideal Clients are already having inside their own minds…

It doesn’t tap into their core beliefs… their hopes, dreams, fear, desires…

And if you don’t fix that, the resulting marketing campaign will be underperforming by a huge margin.

That’s why we do RESONANT Research.

Here’s how we do it:

Phase 1: Market Intelligence

We get to know the Ideal Buyers at a cellular level…

And once we have this “intel”, we’ll know what they truly desire and be able to speak to them through that lens.

Because business is all about finding out what people want and then showing them a way to get it.

Phase 2: Competitor Insights

In this phase, we’ll make sure your message won't slip off from your market’s mind like water off a duck’s back.

We’ll look at what your top competitors are saying…

...so we can focus on a marketing message that would NOT make them say “I’ve already heard that before!”

Phase 3: Product Deep Dive

The common denominators that the greatest salesmen in history have are these two things:

One, they know their prospects like the back of their hand…

Two, they are masters of what they’re selling!

That’s what this phase is all about… showcasing your product or service in the best light possible by knowing it on an intimate level.

At this point, you now have the sugar, spice, and everything nice to create the best marketing campaign you’ve ever had.

The question is…

How do you get the most out of it?

This next step will show you how:

Step #2

Persuasion Stacking


That’s probably one of the worst enemies when marketing in today’s world.

We’re bombarded with more than ten thousand ads every single day.

And because of this, most marketing messages get drowned in this vast ocean of noise.

But fortunately, we know exactly what to do so we can jar your Ideal Buyers out of their complacency and have them focus on our message.

Here’s how we do it:

Phase 1: Neuroscience Marketing

Our minds have shortcuts.

Humans developed these shortcuts or “rules of thumb” over the years to deal with the ever-increasing amount of information.

So we can make decisions in the blink of an eye.

And if you know how to ethically exploit these shortcuts, you’ll have an unfair advantage over your competitors.

We use principles like the “Reptilian Brain Theory” and “Cognitive Biases” to virtually guarantee attention-grabbing ads.

Phase 2: “Inception” Salesmanship

Now that we have their attention, we’ll move to using covert persuasion techniques to fascinate their minds…

… and implant “seeds” or ideas that gently (but effectively) pushes them towards a buying decision.

Because everybody knows people LOVE to buy — but they don’t want to be sold.

And when we do it with Inception Salesmanship… they won’t even notice we’re selling them until they’ve already made an emotional decision to buy.

Phase 3: Cult-ure Building

How did Adolf Hitler persuade manipulate Nazi Germany into systematically killing around 6 million Jews?

How did Jim Jones persuade manipulate 909 followers to take their lives and commit mass suicide?

How did Marshall Applewhite persuade manipulate 38 followers to kill themselves, telling them they wouldn't be dying, but only leaving their “earthly vessels” behind?

These examples may be too morbid for some…

But it begs a very important question:

If these people can even make other people KILL (themselves, or others)...

… why is it so hard for most infopreneurs to sell their offers?

In this phase, we use the same powerful concepts these Influential Villains took advantage of.

This highly-coveted knowledge can transform “just another buyer” into a raving “auto-buy” fan that will consume whatever you say and believe it as their truth…

...and also become a crusader to help forward your brand’s mission.

Now we move to...

Step #3


In marketing, being different is infinitely better than being best.

Because when you say you’re the best, all the other second bests will be running after you like you have a huge sign saying “KICK ME OUT OF BEING #1” behind your back.

But when you’re business is different — UNIQUE — competitors can’t do anything about it. They can’t touch you.

And you’re customers will virtually have no other option:

If they want to taste your secret sauce, they gotta buy from the one who has the secret recipe… YOU.

Here’s how we accomplish that:

Phase 1: Unique Mechanism

We brainstorm and figure out what’s unique with your offer. 

We look at how you do things and focus on a proprietary aspect of your process.

And by the time we launch our campaign, you wouldn’t be increasing desire for something generic…

Something they can easily buy from other stores after one Google search…

You’re ONLY increasing desire for something that’s UNIQUE to your business. 

So you can prevent competitors from riding along with your advertising… and then harnessing all that desire you built towards their own offer.

This leads to another benefit, which is…

Phase 2: Higher-Ground Positioning

Having the higher ground is an advantage in warfare.

And that truth also applies in marketing.

Having Higher-Ground Positioning allows you to control how you want to price your offers and gives you tremendous leverage.

Prospects know they can’t negotiate… because they can ONLY get what they desire from your offer (unique is powerful, right?)

But there’s a catch…

Everything we’ve worked on so far wouldn’t matter if we don’t implement…

Phase 3: Gradualization

Nothing will happen, no sale will be made, no transformation will take place… 

…if you don’t trigger this 6-letter word:


It’s at the very core of sales conversations.

You must instill a “new belief” — your belief — into the minds and hearts of your prospects.

But this is easier said than done.

Everybody knows you can’t just force people to BELIEVE what you believe. More so when your belief clashes with theirs.

That’s why we have Gradualization.

Because if you can subtly and gradually shift your Ideal Customers’ minds into seeing what you see… 

WITHOUT raising up their ‘defenses’...

Then their next logical step would be to accept your truth and ultimately buy your offer.

Now You Have a Proven Blueprint to Scaling Your Business to Unprecedented Heights...

We’ve used the same exact blueprint to successfully launch our clients’ products in different industries and produce over $1,500,000.00 in gross sales after just a few months.

Yes, we can go on and on about how great the RPM Copywriting Protocol is.

But we know it’s better to show you what it can actually do to a business instead…

Here’s What Our Clients Say About Us

Bo Sanchez, Truly Rich Club

I just want to speak about how we were able to get Miguel Campaner to help us do all the writing of very very good sales copy and email marketing.

And the advice we get from him for boosting the Truly Rich Club and making it even stronger. 

We're excited he helped us. We gained so much. So thank you Miguel! Thanks for being a blessing to the Truly Rich Club.

Allan Ngo, Digital Solopreneur

I was never really comfortable allowing anyone to write my copy for me. However, as a solopreneur, there comes a point when I'm my worst enemy.

I became the bottle neck.

My business can't move forward because my attention is all over the place.

One of my biggest sticking point is writing sales letters.

Sure, I can do them but then I'd have to put numerous things on pause that I never really got around to do them.

I needed help and that's when I found Miguel.

As I said, I'm pick on who I allow to write copy for me but after talking to him and reading his body of work, Miguel put me at ease.

Subconsciously, he gave me assurance that he'll take care of my copy as if it's his own business.

Not only that, he's super easy to reach when I have questions, he clearly explains everything he'll do and more importantly delivers what he promised on time.

The first time we used this sales letter, we went from a 5% conversion rate (emails only) to 7.33% (emails + sales letter) - a 47% jump.

This dude knows his stuff.

Phillip Whiting, YudaBands.org

His writing is nothing short of incredible. There is no language barrier, in fact, his writing is better than many English native speakers.

I highly recommend him as a copywriter, blogger, and content creator.

Lish Aquino, AmazoNationPH.com

If you are a serious coach looking for a reputable copywriter, I highly recommend Migs. He helped me create $133,000 in 2 days. He also helped me with the other technical aspects of the business

Marife Rosas, ChristianInfopreneursAcademy.com

Miguel gave me step-by-step guidance on how to optimize the sales letter for my launch. After 10 days, the results were insane. My bottom line sales quadrupled thanks to his help!

Rache Xavier, TheSocialTap.Org

I've been working with him for a little less than a year and he's just exceptional at what he does. 


I'm also a copywriter so I got a lot of experience in the field. Miguel is exceptional at the fundamentals of copywriting.

#1) He does research to your audience, which is super important. He really goes into the pains and desires of the audience.

#2) He is excellent with vocabulary, grammar, the headlines, the way the landing page is structured in a very logical way. You won't have to edit the page very much or micromanage him. He's already excellent at what he does.

#3 - he's really good at communication. He's super enthusiastic. So that means the turnover time is great.

He puts everything in the project. His communications are great, which is important when you're working with someone online.

If you get the chance to work with him, I highly recommend him.

And I'll work with him a lot in the future.

We just made a funnel which is converting really well. That's definitely because of his copy.

If you can, hire him in a heartbeat.

Jon Orana, Negosyo University

It's not a secret. Miguel is part of my "The Avengers" team. He wrote the sales letters and emails of some of my online programs that produced millions of pesos.He knows how to write persuasive copy that will turn a cold prospect into a customer

Dennis Abad, ShootPracticalVideos.com

Migs is a Monster Copywriter. But he remains unassuming and down to earth. You can't go wrong with your sales page if you listen to him.

J3 Patino, Pinoy Money Academy

Working with Miguel Campaner has been one of the best decisions I made for my business and my personal sanity as a business owner.

Working with him, he's already helped me generate $10,000 in sales. We've been working together for less than a month.

But more than the revenue he's brought in to my company, it's easy to work with him.

And when you give him an assignment, he just "gets" it. It saves you a lot of time and effort and a lot of stress. He just gets it. He knows what to do.

And that's one of the reasons why I highly highly recommend him.

If ever you have a chance to work with him, go for it. Super worth it. 

Jerome Okuthu, Digital Marketer

Miguel is one of the best writers I’ve worked with. He consistently meets deadlines and responds positively to any feedback. Highly recommended!

Scott Warren, Chkpoints.com

Miguel has been writing for us for over a year. He has provided two documents a day ranging from Productivity to specific topics. He has also produced creative works and research papers. I have no hesitation recommending Miguel for your copywriting needs

Here’s What To Do Now

Curious on how much you can earn by applying the RPM Copywriting Protocol?

If you'd like to speak with us to help you with your product launch, just click the link below.

You'll fill-out an application form so we can learn a little more about you and your business.

If we see that we might be a good fit, we will schedule a 10-15 minute call with you to tell you a bit more on how can we be of help.

Click the button below to apply.


This isn’t for everyone.

Here’s Who We Can Help

As much as we want to help everyone, we can’t.

We’re a team of Product Launch and Persuasion Specialists… NOT Albus Dumbledore.

We don’t wield magic wands, cast a spell, and make your business fly through the roof.

That’s why you need to meet our simple criteria:

  1. You must have a real business. Your business should be up and making sales already. You simply want to scale a lot faster and a lot higher. And just to be clear, we don’t work with “get-rich-quick” schemes and beginners who still haven’t validated their offers yet.

  2. You must have a solid product and a good reputation. Yes, we know how to sell. And we do it potently. But that doesn’t mean we’re “gun for hires” that will sell whatever product (even if it’s against our moral compass) if the price is right. No. We’re only taking clients whose products give actual real-life value in the marketplace. Because everything we’ll do will not only bring you more revenue but also create GOODWILL in your market… positioning you as the go-to person in whatever your niche is. That’s why you need to be legit.

  3. You MUST be open to trying new things. The reason why you’d want to work with us is that you know that we know what we’re doing.So it doesn’t make sense if we decide to work together and then STOP us from implementing our methods…just because it’s “new” to you.It’s like getting a guard dog, but still insisting to do all the barking yourself! (That’s just weird, right?)

Those are all the “requirements.”

So if you think you fit the bill, then…

You’ll see a huge button for you to click below.

Right after clicking, you’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll need to fill up an application.

Don’t worry, it’s simple and straightforward.

We just want an idea of what you’re selling, what you want to accomplish, etc.

After reviewing your submission, someone from our team will reach out within 24-72 hours if we’re scheduling a call (or not.)

Ready to find out how fast you can scale using RPM Copywriting Protocol?

Click the button below right now:

WARNING: Time Is A Crucial Factor

We’re only accepting a few calls every week. Maybe around 5. And when we decide to work with clients, those calls will get fewer and fewer.

Plus, if we already have a client in a certain niche, we won’t take another who directly competes with what they offer. Because that’s what’s fair for everyone.

So, the way we see it, you now have two choices:

First is you join courses that cost around $500 to $2,000.

You’d spend probably tens of hours just consuming the content. Then, after that, you still have to worry about EVERYTHING you need to prepare before you can implement what you learned.

And it’s not a one-shot overnight success either.

You’d have to go through a lot of trial and error—throwing everything to the wall just to see what sticks.

And sometimes it feels like slowly getting consumed by quicksand… you don’t know what to do or where to focus anymore so just stay still—paralyzed.

Or you can take the smarter choice to work with a team that has generated over $1.5M gross sales in the past few months.

You’ll get to see RPM Copywriting Protocol executed to its FULL potential by the same team who designed it.

And you won’t have to worry about the stuff you DON’T want to do… so you can focus 100% on your “zone of genius” instead.

So click the button below right now before slots run out (and we’d be forced to have you on a waitlist that sometimes stretches for months)

Talk soon,

RPM Copywriting Team

©rpmcopywriting.com™ 2021

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