RPM Copywriting

What We Learned After 

Generating a Little Over 


Selling Membership Offers, Online Courses, and Coaching Programs for Our Clients

Here's What They Say About Us...

Here's What's Inside the 7-Figure Insights...

Who Are We and Why Should You Listen to Us?

We help high-end coaches, consultants, and experts sell their coaching programs, online courses & info products...

...using neuroscience marketingsubconscious selling, and "RPM" copywriting.

For the past few years, we've developed copywriting systems, frameworks, and methods that allowed us to generate $1.5-million (in gross sales) for our clients.

We created this "7-figure Insights" report exclusively for our agency.

But after receiving overwhelmingly positive feedback from our past clients, we decided to share this to anyone who's SERIOUS about creating 6- and 7-figure campaigns.

In this free report, we share what worked, what didn't work, what doesn't work anymore, and so much more.

If you want to get free access, let me know what's your email address so we can send it to you.

Here are More Businesses We've Helped...

Bo Sanchez, Truly Rich Club

I just want to speak about how we were able to get Miguel Campaner to help us do all the writing of very very good sales copy and email marketing.

And the advice we get from him for boosting the Truly Rich Club and making it even stronger. 

We're excited he helped us. We gained so much. So thank you Miguel! Thanks for being a blessing to the Truly Rich Club.

Allan Ngo, Digital Solopreneur

I was never really comfortable allowing anyone to write my copy for me. However, as a solopreneur, there comes a point when I'm my worst enemy.

I became the bottle neck.

My business can't move forward because my attention is all over the place.

One of my biggest sticking point is writing sales letters.

Sure, I can do them but then I'd have to put numerous things on pause that I never really got around to do them.

I needed help and that's when I found Miguel.

As I said, I'm pick on who I allow to write copy for me but after talking to him and reading his body of work, Miguel put me at ease.

Subconsciously, he gave me assurance that he'll take care of my copy as if it's his own business.

Not only that, he's super easy to reach when I have questions, he clearly explains everything he'll do and more importantly delivers what he promised on time.

The first time we used this sales letter, we went from a 5% conversion rate (emails only) to 7.33% (emails + sales letter) - a 47% jump.

This dude knows his stuff.

Phillip Whiting, YudaBands.org

His writing is nothing short of incredible. There is no language barrier, in fact, his writing is better than many English native speakers.

I highly recommend him as a copywriter, blogger, and content creator.

Lish Aquino, AmazoNationPH.com

If you are a serious coach looking for a reputable copywriter, I highly recommend Migs. He helped me create $133,000 in 2 days. He also helped me with the other technical aspects of the business

Marife Rosas, ChristianInfopreneursAcademy.com

Miguel gave me step-by-step guidance on how to optimize the sales letter for my launch. After 10 days, the results were insane. My bottom line sales quadrupled thanks to his help!

Rache Xavier, TheSocialTap.Org

I've been working with him for a little less than a year and he's just exceptional at what he does. 


I'm also a copywriter so I got a lot of experience in the field. Miguel is exceptional at the fundamentals of copywriting.

#1) He does research to your audience, which is super important. He really goes into the pains and desires of the audience.

#2) He is excellent with vocabulary, grammar, the headlines, the way the landing page is structured in a very logical way. You won't have to edit the page very much or micromanage him. He's already excellent at what he does.

#3 - he's really good at communication. He's super enthusiastic. So that means the turnover time is great.

He puts everything in the project. His communications are great, which is important when you're working with someone online.

If you get the chance to work with him, I highly recommend him.

And I'll work with him a lot in the future.

We just made a funnel which is converting really well. That's definitely because of his copy.

If you can, hire him in a heartbeat.

Jon Orana, Negosyo University

It's not a secret. Miguel is part of my "The Avengers" team. He wrote the sales letters and emails of some of my online programs that produced millions of pesos.He knows how to write persuasive copy that will turn a cold prospect into a customer

Dennis Abad, ShootPracticalVideos.com

Migs is a Monster Copywriter. But he remains unassuming and down to earth. You can't go wrong with your sales page if you listen to him.

J3 Patino, Pinoy Money Academy

Working with Miguel Campaner has been one of the best decisions I made for my business and my personal sanity as a business owner.

Working with him, he's already helped me generate $10,000 in sales. We've been working together for less than a month.

But more than the revenue he's brought in to my company, it's easy to work with him.

And when you give him an assignment, he just "gets" it. It saves you a lot of time and effort and a lot of stress. He just gets it. He knows what to do.

And that's one of the reasons why I highly highly recommend him.

If ever you have a chance to work with him, go for it. Super worth it. 

Jerome Okuthu, Digital Marketer

Miguel is one of the best writers I’ve worked with. He consistently meets deadlines and responds positively to any feedback. Highly recommended!

Scott Warren, Chkpoints.com

Miguel has been writing for us for over a year. He has provided two documents a day ranging from Productivity to specific topics. He has also produced creative works and research papers. I have no hesitation recommending Miguel for your copywriting needs

"Franz is dedicated, super open to learning, aren't prideful about the work, easy to work with, difficult hours but pulled it through."

Allan Ngo, Founder of Digital Solopreneur and Inbox Society

"It's hard enough to write copy for clients, it's even harder to write copy for copywriters. There's a certain ego involved and there'll be ideas you'll clash with. I was expecting BS push-backs as other copywriters would do, but there weren't any - and I loved that. When I made edits, instead of getting upset, your response was to ask why this or that. That was the best thing about working with you, Franz. You don't force the issue because you think you knew better. You did your thing, there were suggestions, and even if you already had a framework, you're working with, you worked around the editing I did."

John Pagulayan, Founder of The Freelance Movement Tribe

Disclaimer: The results stated above are our personal results. Please understand  our results are not typical. I'm not implying you'll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). I have the benefit of having 10+ years of experience. The average person who follows any "how-to" information gets little to no results. I'm using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors -- including but not limited to your background, experience and work ethic. All businesses entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, this is not for you. This site is not a part of Facebook, Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. Facebook™ is a trademark of Facebook™, Inc.

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